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A member registered May 22, 2019

Recent community posts

Great game! One thing I would appreciate however is if there were a quality of life option to make it so that rather than cards moving to the left, they stayed where they are and the new card replaced the card from where you just played it, rather than being on the right. Just an idea no biggie. Also the addition of new enemies and possibly counter-intuitive cards or effects throughout the game because at a certain point it just feels like you're spamming r and there is no way you can die, and even if you do it doesn't feel substantial whatsoever. This may seem harsh and I apologize, I really do think this is an amazing game 

Let go of the hat button mid-jump

I had the same problem for a bit. You have to release the hat key midjump.

yeah but golden brick isnt a duration based powerup

does it like quadruple the golden brick?

I think the mask was just to hint at the whole entire thing being a party. From what I can tell, there are no interactions with it but at the same time I didn't really take my time in interacting with everything with every item and whatnot

There's this one yellow ball on the top left that I didn't buy and I have no clue where it came from. It also has VFX for some reason like the plasma ball.

what does doubled duration for powerups (fourth scatter ball skill upgrade) do for gol

(2 edits)

this is actually one of my favorite games on this website. The simplicity in both the art style and gameplay is what makes it so good.

edit; if this comment does get any traction and perhaps the dev sees it, you should add a palette feature much like downwell- just a recommendation.

second edit: a restart key would be good so that if you get hit at the beginning of the run and just don't feel good about it you can restart instantly instead of what I usually.

play the game on steam. It has all that and more.